Dear friends in Christ:
The greatest Missional Christmas Gift ever given was delivered in a Bethlehem manger! God sent His Son Jesus on a mission to bring forgiveness and salvation to the world.
In grateful response to God’s Missional Gift, Faith Community provides an opportunity for you each year to give a Missional Christmas Gift to one of our mission/ministry partners.
Inside this brochure you will find a variety of ways you can give a Missional Christmas Gift this year. And in doing so, you will be joining God’s mission of inviting people to know Jesus so they can experience life and salvation through faith in Him!
Merry CHRISTmas!
Pastor Craig Michaelson
"The purpose of Balm of Gilead Global Ministries is to be a refuge and beacon in the inner city for those souls who are downtrodden, have lost their way, have been hurt, abused, or need direction in their life through the message of the gospel and kingdom of God and the power of love."
What a donation would go towards:
A donation to Balm of Gilead would go to diapers and food for individuals and families in need in our community. Balm of Gilead makes a point to share the Gospel with those who are seeking help.
Women's Resource Medical Center
"Women’s Resource Medical Centers of Southern Nevada is a faith-based ministry committed to supporting families with unplanned pregnancies. They provide complete, accurate information, free high-sensitivity pregnancy tests with immediate results, certified crisis counseling, and state-of-the-art ultrasound services to women and couples who are making decisions about unintended pregnancies."
What a donation would go towards:
A donation to Women's Resource Medical Center would supply ultrasounds, pregnancy tests and counseling. Women's Resource continues to support families with parental training and walks continues to walk along families providing comprehensive care.
Hoving Home
"To provide a loving community devoted to rebuilding shattered lives that empower women to fulfill their God-given purpose."
What a donation would go towards:
A gift to the Hoving Home would help provide counseling, mentoring and biblical healing that could change a life for eternity.
Military BibleSticks
"More than 180,000 men and women enter and leave military service every year, many of them unchurched. As well, veterans often struggle with post-traumatic stress, enduring physical and mental wounds that last decades. Thanks to thousands of chaplains, they can find answers to their questions; and thanks to you, they can receive the Word of God on a portable BibleStick."
What a donation would go towards:
A gift to the Military BibleSticks would be used to supply chaplains with audible bibles for our service men and women.